Essentials, Reading challenges, TBR

2021 Mid year freak out tag

2021 has been a ride. And it’s only June.

I saw this tag over at the Pine-scented chronicles and had to join in on the fun!

I have spent 2021 balancing completing my masters with trying to read every book I can and seeing as much as South Korea as I can. I still have a lot of travel goals and I cannot believe I am fast approaching my 12 month Korea-versary. Wild.

2021: The year of serious reading

This is also the first full year I have taken reading seriously. I mean in terms of having a Goodreads challenge and trying to stick to some challenge lists! I am keen to report on these at the end of the year but might do some check ins before then.

Now let’s get into it!

1. Best reads so far for 2021

I have been really lucky to have read a lot of AMAZING reads this year. I am going to try not to list every single one and limit myself to two books per category!

The last night at the telegraph club was a beautiful coming of age story, set in 1950’s San Francisco. Lily is a Chinese American girl coming to grips with not only the political turmoil of the country she lives in but also her own sexuality. It was magically written and I ADORED it.

The Tangleroot Palace by Marjorie Liu is a collection of fantastical short stories that I devoured in a day. I loved it. And it was a surprise read for me.

2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2021

It was impossible to pick just one. It’s a tie between ‘Crooked Kingdom’ by Leigh Bardugo and ‘The Traitor Queen’ by Danielle L Jensen. Both could also fall into the “made me cry” category.

3. New release you haven’t read, but want to

I’m a sucker for Hades and Persephone. It gets me everytime. And I have heard amazing things about “Neon Gods” by Katee Robert

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year

I did find the newest Blood and Ash book by JLA a little disappointing compared to the first two but I am super excited to see where she takes the accompanying Flesh and Fire series!

5. Biggest disappointment

“A Touch of Darkness” by Scarlett St Claire was so overhyped for me.. It was fine, but I had gone into it expecting a lot more than what I got. I do adore the cover though.

6. Biggest surprise

My love for Webtoon. Comics have become a bit of a “switch” off for me.

Right now I am loving:

  • Lore Olympus
  • Midnight Poppyland
  • The Kissing Bet

I am so excited that Lore Olympus is being released as a book!

7. Favourite new author (new or new to you)

Laini Taylor is new to me. I had her work recommended by a friend and I am HOOKED on her writing. DOSAB was super creative and I fell hard for some of the characters. I am super keen to keep reading their stuff.

8. Newest fictional crush

It’s a tie between Agrippa and Marcus from the Dark Shores series. This is a Danielle L Jensen stan account and these characters are some of my favourites. (Aren from the Bridge Kingdom gets a special mention).

9. Newest favourite character

So many good ones! Here is my top contender list;

  • Brimstone from Daughter of Smoke and Bone
  • Genya from the Shadow and Bone series
  • All of the crows from the Six of Crows series but special mention to Jesper, Nina and Inej

10. Book that made you cry

A lot. But let’s give “The Wolf Den” a little prime time. Set in Pompeii, women living and surviving together in a brothel heartbreaking and bloody brilliant.

11. Book that made you happy

Again, I could list a whole bunch here. But two that stick out are “Winter’s Orbit” and the Bridgerton novels. Romance novels always leave me feeling light and happy. I also loved that Winter’s Orbit had a scifi element to it.

12. Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far this year

I haven’t read it yet but I got a second hand hardcover of “Winterwood” by Shea Earnshaw and the cover is so pretty. I am a sucker for foil. I am trying to limit how many physical books I buy because I am mindful of having to ship them all back home/rehome them when I move back next year.

13. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?

We could be here all day. I want to read the physical books I have accumulated. But books I am prioritising from my 300+ goodreads TBR:

14. Favourite book community member

I have met so many amazing friends on Instagram who share my love for books and are always up for a chat. I won’t list them all here but they know who they are.

Any you have read or want to read? Let me know!

2 thoughts on “2021 Mid year freak out tag”

  1. I feel terrible. I’ve never heard of any of those books! I live in a geographical anomaly – I pretty much two hours from anywhere. I’ve been reading, just a lot slower than I’d like. I just started a new book. I posted about it yesterday. It’s a strange book, but those are my favourite type of book!

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